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Performance Issues
- Not only, but especially in raid zones, the game performance is unacceptable at the moment. This issue regards "non-instanced" zones ("Castle Mistmoore" for example) and instanced zones as well, though the former seems to be affected more. Actually, it is not possible to hold an organized and well coordinated raid with the problem mentioned. Not only the german servers seem to suffer from the lag peaks - at least, we know that Runnyeye has similar or the same problems.
- Generally, the game feels dull - naturally, the higher the server load, the more. NPCs or the bells on the docks "spawning" very late are an indication of the zone-or realm servers are working at their limit. Especially in highly frequented areas like East Freeport, NPCs like the broker need up to 10 seconds to appear during prime time.
Localization Issues - The problem with quest (and other) texts being translated half-hearted still exists. In fact, a "logical unit" (means for example a chat with a NPC from beginning to the end, with all multiple choice possibilities) is often only translated to up to 50% - or worse.
- Translations are still getting lost after a new patch has gone live. For example, the zone name "Butcherblock Mountains" changes to "Hackklotzberge" (nice translation in my opinion, not kidding!) with one patch and changes back to its English name with the next patch. Please note, that this is just an example - as far as I know, the translation of "Butcherblock Mountains" in particular has never been reverted by a patch.
- Somewhat funny, but confusing at all: it happens often enough, that a player harvests a "Heat", a "Poison Damage" or a "-47" - just some examples, the list is never ending.
- Quests: mob names' translations aren't consequent. An example would be a mob called "scharfer Einsiedler" (roughly "sharp hermit"), being called "streng riechender Einsiedler" (roughly "strongly smelling hermit") in the questlog.
- Further, the problem still exists that mobs spawn with their database IDs as their name - it a great plus to the game's atmosphere to meet a "/GET(1234)/1234/".
- An interesting issue is, that some mobs spawn with the "translated" version of their name as well as with their original Englisch name. However, if you have to kill this particular mob type for a quest, it doesn't mean that both of them give a quest update.
- Crafting: due to inaccurate or missing translations of recipes or components, the whole crafting process gets far more complex than intended for players of the localized versions. Every single name of every recipe, component, spell, or whatever MUST be consistent on its way from the raw components to the broker to prevent unnecessary effort and frustration.
- All translation and localization problems exist since EQ2 went live over 2 years ago! If you can't fix it, than give us the possibility to play on the localized server with the english client, cause it is terribly frustrating to have the atmosphere and the motivation to continue playing killed due to all the problems we have over here. Also, some performance issues seem just to exist due to the "on the fly" translation and could easily be fixed this way.
Support issues - The live chat, originally intended as a place to get support by a game master or another employee of the SOE customer service, is plain worthless, cause we don't get anny support there at all. In fact, nobody seems to be around to support us.
- Official German forums: to address annoying things doesn't seem to make any sense. We don't get a feedback at all - in fact, "uncomfortable" threads or posts just get moved anywhere else. Actually, if a moderator moves a thread or post, the original entry is replaced by a message where to find the entry. In the German forums, we get the message "to follow the link to its new location", but there's no link at all.
- It seems like we only have one native speaking Gamemaster at all (for three servers). He does a good job, but one GM to address dozens of tickets per day isn't enough.
An example: A raid force consisting of 20+ people tries to raid a zone with a reuse timer - as a result of stability problems, the zone server crashes and every member of the raid force "wakes up" in front of the zone doorway with the reuse timer being set. Without a just-in-time support (in this case to reset the timer), the journey is over. The fun is over. This example is representative for all kinds of critical problems - for every single thing being worth to open a ticket and wait for a employee of SOE to solve it. This kind of pure displeasure desires for SOEs attention and may not be took lightly. Common Terms In this case, the translation bureau went a little too far, though it's a good thing to show that SOE cares (or seems to care) about the localization. Probably it would be a good idea to proceed the translation based on "Topics" and not based on "I saw something to translate".
- AFK (Away from Keyboard) - translated with NAC (Nicht am Computer, "Away from Computer"), though "AFK" is a common known term among players.
- LFG (Looking for Group) - translated with SNG (Suche nach Gruppe), though "LFG" is commonly known as well.
- The title "Sir" - translated with "Herr". You should know that the translation "Herr" means "Sir" and "Mister" as well. Every German you'd ask for the English term would say "Mister". And "Mister Atakios, Slayer of Gnolls" sounds a bit ... funny. "Herr Atakios, Gnollschlächter" too.