Greetings All!

As promised here is the discussion thread in regards to the closing of our forums. You can view the news post here:

Please feel welcome to post any questions or concerns you may have and I will do my best to answer them. Please try to avoid posting the same questions as a poster above you, especially if I have already answered it.

If you are interested in starting your own fansite we offer a fansite kit on the front page of Please email if you are interested in the Affiliate Fansite Program.


Will developers continue to post?
-Yes, we will continue to post on Affiliated Site Forums.

Why are you closing the forums?
-We feel this is the best way to promote a healthy and active community. We feel centralized communities constrain players of different mindsets and too often don't reflect that actual opinion of a majority of the player base.

Will there be SOE Forums? (Like their other games)
-There will only be Tech support forums; all gameplay and general discussion will be hosted by the Affiliate Fansites.

How will the main Community Site be updated?
-Our community team will update the site by working closely with the affiliate sites to gather news and discussion threads that large portions of the community may find interesting.
