Greetings Everyone!
On January 16th, 2007 the Official Vanguard Forums will close. We’re excited to provide this opportunity before launch for the community and our Affiliated Sites to adjust and familiarize themselves with one another. The Affiliated Fansites are dedicated to serving the community and its needs and will be the primary source for information and discussion about Vanguard; while the program will change and grow this goal will remain the same.
We will provide a seamless network that promotes an active community without the hassle of finding information when you need it. The center of this community will be the Vanguard Community Site,; this site will continue to provide constant updates and links to the discussion on the sites that concern the community. In addition to updating the site with links and news we will provide the community with tools to find the Fansite that is right for them. To view a list of our Affiliated Fansites please visit
We understand there will be questions and concerns, and invite the community to share them with us here and we will be happy to answer as many as we can.
Thank you everyone, we look forward to seeing you in Telon and on the Affiliated Fansites!
- The Vanguard Team
*Please note that the Beta Forums will remain open, and those that have yet to receive access will. Thank you for your patience. |