Anyone care to help me out a little? If you are so kind and wish to help me what I would like to know is only 3 things
1. Your level.
2. Your Class.
3. The Name of the 2 dot NPC that was your level that you were unable to solo.
I'm not looking to start a huge post on why you hate the new combat or why you love the new combat. Anyone who is having trouble soloing two dots that can answer those three questions will help me out alot.
( I'm just a tester and during my tests I did not have any problems at various levels soloing two dot NPC's that were my level on any of the classes I was testing.The fact that so many people seem to be having problems makes me think some NPC's might have some abilites that are broken. So if you care to help me test some of this then answering the 3 questions above will be very helpfull to me)
Thanks in advance