Originally Posted by omadnay
I'm probably in the minority here, but possibly the biggest thing that is getting in my way of enjoying Vanguard is the Sphere Clothing Set-up.

The whole aspect of each sphere having its very own outfit and not being able to color customize and all the items being completely level-and-progression based... just creates an ever-changing mish-mosh of character appearances that leaves this frustrated-character-designer feeling unsatisfied... and I'm left with the feeling of constantly being hit on the head with game mechanics instead of losing myself in the fun of playing the game and immersing myself in the world.

Being a character, finally wearing a cape, costume/outfit that I am happy with (Not necessarily easy to do in this game, due to the fact that we cannot color customize crafted items with stats) plus having my weapons on my belt and such... and then having to poof out of those and into some wholly different outfit (with none of my weapons on the belt or back anymore) every time I wish to harvest something, craft something or enter the realm of diplomacy... really really turns me off.

So, the two things I blame for this is the NEED for separate outfits for each sphere (Each character should have their own personal style, like a character in a movie, you wouldn't throw Gandalf into slacks and a vest each time he went to parlay with someone... nor would you remove his staff)...

And not being able to color customize clothing/armor with stats.

Do you, Brad, personally feel as though either or both of these game designs may change to be more open/customizable?
Color Customize Stat'd Clothing Items (Not just clothes with no stats)?
Forced Outfit Changes for different Spheres?

Thanks for everything!

I've always been in favor of the way your appearance looks, regardless of sphere, be based on the items you've earned as opposed to being able to customize them. That said, I understand the desire to customize and it's possible down the road that we'll have a decorative layer that is more customizable and then the other layers/spheres be achievement based. I'd love to have the best of both worlds, and perhaps we will be able to accommodate that, but at least at first, your appearance will be primarily achievement based. I appreciate your understanding and patience and respect your position on the matter, nonetheless.
