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Thema: Beta Ende

  1. #1
    Sain Guest

    Standard Beta Ende

    Jaja, die Tage streichen immer schneller dahin. Noch vor kurzem waren wir in Beta 4 und nun wird schon das Ende angekündigt. Doch das ist ja nur das Ende für einen neuen Anfang ... oder so. Jedenfalls wird am 2ten, der Riegel vorgeschoben. Doch nicht für lange Zeit. Nur drei Täge später starten die Pre Orders durch und der Rest gleich dahinter.
    Hier noch ebend die offizielle Mitteilung von Sigil:

      "Sony Online Entertainment and Sigil Games Online announced today that the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes open beta will close on January 23 at 11:59 p.m. PST. In anticipation of the January 30th launch of the fantasy-themed MMORPG, the servers will be shut down, and all beta character profiles will be transferred to a test server. The test server will open after launch with timing to be determined. For those who have pre-ordered Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, early access will be granted to the live servers before the official release date. More information regarding the early access will be released shortly."

  2. Standard

    Hier die kopmplette Pressemitteilung:

    SUBJECT: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Open Beta to Close Jan. 23

    Sony Online Entertainment and Sigil Games Online announced today that the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes open beta will close on January 23 at 11:59 p.m. PST. In anticipation of the January 30th launch of the fantasy-themed MMORPG, the servers will be shut down, and all beta character profiles will be transferred to a test server. The test server will open after launch with timing to be determined. For those who have pre-ordered Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, early access will be granted to the live servers before the official release date. More information regarding the early access will be released shortly.

    Players can now pre-order Vanguard: Saga of Heroes digitally and at retail. Additionally, gamers that pre-order retail versions will receive an exclusive endurance buff scroll that will allow their character to sprint for longer periods of time (one per account).

    For more information or to order Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, visit www.joinvanguard.com/buy/.

    About Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
    The only limits are your own in Telon. The adventurous can choose from multiple paths of exploration within the three spheres of advancement: adventuring; crafting; and diplomacy. Players can delve into the mysteries of Telon, and embark upon quests to slay monstrous beasts locked deep inside rugged mountain ranges. Those with a quick mind can use diplomacy to convince kings to move armies and change the course of history. With player-crafted boats, flying mounts, and customizable player housing, “Vanguard” offers players a world of their own choosing.

    For more information about Vanguard: Saga of Heroes please visit: www.vanguardsoh.com and www.joinvanguard.com
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