<P>Greetings! While Telon is
still a young world, players are bound to run into issues that will cause
them to look for Customer Support’s help in resolving. However, most
often the best resource for help is fellow players. With simple shout, tell,
or message to your region players can usually find the answer they are
looking for.</P> <P> </P> <P>If players have an issue
where their character becomes stuck, they notice a policy violation, or a
game community issue please use the /petition command and let us know.
In your petition, make sure to give as much information about the issue as
you can. Please be sure to include location, chunk names and any other
pertinent information. Customer Support and the Petition Queue are not meant to be used for general information,
quest information or bug reports. </P> <P> </P> <P>Customer
Support cannot help with:</P> <UL> <LI>Items that have been deleted or sold. </LI> <LI>Non-functioning quests. </LI> <LI>Issues caused by a custom UI. </LI> <LI>Wrongly chosen quest items or claimed rewards. </LI> <LI>Account issues. </LI> <LI>Billing or technical support. </LI> </UL> <P> </P> <P>If you have a billing,
account or technical issue please visit the <A HREF="http://support.station.sony.com/">http://support.station.sony.com</A> website. </P> <P> </P> <P>If you have noticed a bug
in game or a quest you are sure is not working please use the /bug report
command and list as much information as you can. The information that
will be most helpful is:</P> <UL> <LI>Where it happened, try to get a /loc (location) if you can. </LI> <LI>How it happened, what you were doing at the time you had the
issue. </LI> <LI>Any and all NPCs involved. </LI> <LI>The quest name and type of quest it is. </LI> <LI>The steps to reproduce the issue. </LI> </UL> <P> </P> <P>We do not want to
discourage petitions, but rather to help direct players to their best source
of information so that their issues can be resolved and we can provide help
as efficiently as possible. </P> <P> </P> <P>Thank you,</P> <P>The Vanguard Customer
Support Team</P> <P> </P>