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Thema: Vanguard - Die Vulmane

  1. Standard Vanguard - Die Vulmane

    Okratas hat einen interessanten Artikel über die Rasse der Vulmane verfasst. Die so genannten Hunde-Menschen sind relativ stark und Waffentechnisch auf dem neusten Stand. Neben einem neuen Screenshot werden auch Kommentare von Art Director Keith Parkinson geboten.

    Hey Guys,

    The Vulmane are an interesting race. When I envisioned them initially there was a canine influence to their look, but much more as well. (Some of which you guys have already picked up on) I didn't want just another dog-headed human. Instead, I find it much more interesting to blend other looks for something far more unique. Den Beauvais and I worked together on this one and shot a lot of ideas back and forth, and as the creative process is apt to do, it took us places I had not originally envisioned. In the end, I did a color concept for that race that I was happy with. It showed the personality, and power of the race, but was still different than I had seen, or done, before. Make no mistake; we're working on getting as close to that concept as we can with the added thought that each avatar is customizable. This also leads to many other technical and aesthetic considerations. At this point, the Vulmane is in development, just like the rest of the game. I think you'll like the finished character though. I'll have our webguys post the concept I did, you'll see what I meanÂ…
    Geändert von vrahmel (20.01.2005 um 16:24 Uhr)

  2. Standard

    Da hättest mir auch Bescheid geben können wegen der News, alles muss man alleine machen

    Naja habe sie ja schlie߸lich gefunden ;p

  3. Standard

    hehe, sorry!


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