First - you cannot de-level in Vanguard.
Second - we had a meeting about the CS woes this morning. Response times are indeed unacceptable, and it is a top concern to get the pipeline cleared and streamlined. We are also putting together a plan to compensate people for having to stick it out during our growing pains. Some type of bonus XP day, or item, or something - the details will be announced once we come to a decision.
FYI - 40% of our current petitions are from people reporting 'policy' violations. This is comprised mostly of reporting names and harassment. People can help by not naming thier halflings 'Douche Baggins' or 'Dildo Faggins'. We are making naming corrections en masse; there is no need to report every name that you deem offensive. Let us help the people that actually need the assistance as soon as possible.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven