For informational purposes.
Looking at level 30 in the spreadsheets as a baseline, since level 1-10 did not change much under any of the tweaks.
I'll just use percentages of the original value for examples sake.
Original Value = 100% i.e. the original
To High Value that was live for a day = 285%
To High But Slowly Lowering it Value = 183%
Current Value = 146%
We will continue to evaluate the amount of experience granted via quests as need be. It may be possible to increase it again slightly from where it is, I will need to meet with one of our game play balance coders this coming week.
Also, to clear something up /again/ - We did not make the changes to experience based on the vocal minority on the message boards.
We made the modifications based upon data mining average player leveling times (excluding players that do diplomacy and crafting) and noticing that a vast majority of people are "behind the expected curve" and the game was taking /for those players/ far to long to level and see progress.