Originally Posted by Anyen![]()
I've been playing Vanguard since very early beta and there's a few things that have irritated the hell out of me, but have gone unchanged the entire time. Most of this post is asking for things to be "dumbed down" as the masochistic hardcore would call it. I'm not a wimp that plays only on Saturday afternoon's and wants to be level 50 a week from now - I lead a high end raiding guild on in EQ on The Rathe and spent over 350 days played in EQ throughout the 6 years I played. I like challenges, but I think some things have gone too far.
The first problem I have is how far mobs chase you when you try to run from them.
This is a screenshot I took last week in Shrine of the Eternal Flame. There's a huge camp of ashendrag's right where the red circle is, but it's out of clip plane distance for me. The screenshot is shortly after I ran from two level 24 2 dot mobs when I had full health. As you can see I'm almost dead. The problem is twofold. First, I'm a warrior and was significantly better geared than most people my level. Second, I had to use sprint just to make it where I did.
If I were any other class, or had average gear for my level I would have been dead in this situation. This is too unforgiving in my opinion. Had I stayed and fought and then decided to run when i realized it was a futile effort than this would be completely alright. But that's not what happened. I made a simple mistake and got 2 mobs instead of 1, and did everything right from there on out. I immediately ran, switched to defensive stance, and popped sprint and even then just BARELY lived. I counted the amount of time that it took me to run back to where I was when I started and it took me 42 seconds. Mobs just chase you too far.
The second thing that should have been done 6 months ago is a message indicating players are link dead in groups. Come on, I shouldn't even have to be asking for this. It's ridiculous that I have to put everyone that I group with on my friends list just to see the message which tells me they've gone offline.
Both broker's and the LFG tool needs to have better search tools. You can't search for specific stats, types of armor, or 2h weapons with brokers the way they are now. And as far as the LFG tool goes, it's pathetic. Especially considering how much hype was put into it. You can't even search what continent someone's on using it and you're just as well off using /who all lfg x to x level as you are using the tool.
A /who all friend command would also be nice to have. This is something the original EQ had and the friends social tab is not an adequate substitute. I don't want to have to bring up a new window every time I want to see which of my friends are online, and even then I don't want to have to scroll through the entire list to determine which of them are online or not.
And finally, travel times are ridiculous. If you want to travel between continents it takes you almost a solid hour unless you started right near a boat or that's where your final destination is. Hell, the run from Tursh alone to New Targonor takes 25 minutes. People don't even bother asking players on other continents to come to groups. Ever been in Trengal Keep and wanted to go group in Coterie Infineum Sanctuary? Yeah, me either. There needs to be even more dock locations.
Horses need to be faster as you get higher level too. A 20 speed increase from the level 10 horse to the level 30 horse is just stupid as the cost for them is almost a 100 fold increase. Nobody even bothers with the higher level mounts and they're acting as a horrible time sink right now as well.
Leashing - This problem is/waas twofold. Continuing to damage an NPC with a damage shield for instance, resets the leash length, and modified run speed over 100% keeps creatures beating your butt as you try and flee. We've recently made a pass and reset ALL runspeed modifiers to not exceed 100% of normal runspeed in almost every case. Cheetahs can still catch you along with other creatures that should be fast. A hobbling zombie however, should not be able to run you down and kill you. We found a NPC two nights ago that was running around in solo area at 130% runspeed killng people left and right. We will continue to fix these as we find them as the script we ran may have missed a few here and there. There is also a bit of code that looks at whether or not a creature 'should' be able to get to you and if it for some reason can't, it ports to you. This was to remedy NPCs getting stuck, but has obvious adverse effects on classes that run extremely fast like bards. Creatures were teleporting to your location and beating you down; was good fun. This also should be remedied. On top of that, leash lengths were also brought in a bit, and we can continue to monitor it to make sure that you can get away, if that was your intention. The problem is trying to balance 'fleeing' against 'kiting'. If we make leashes too short, then we screw over classes that kite.
Linkdead - I will ask if this is something we can address, but honestly haven't heard many people commplain about this at all. I've never lost connection to the server, but I do know this can be common for people in certain parts of the country/world.
Brokers/LFG - The brokers received a recent pass and will get better search support very soon. The coder in charge of this is working on something a bit more important right now, but will get to this soon. We discussed problems with LFG functionality here on the boards, and it was a subject in a big meeting on Monday. It is near the top of the list on the 'How can we make getting together more user friendly' list.
Travel - In our meeting on Monday this was the big topic. Our world is huge, and we'd like to maintain the 'feel' of the large world without penalizing people who need to get somewhere in a short amount of time. We have to balance the need for ground mounts, flying mounts, ocean vessels, and teleportation without trivializing either transportation methods or content. This is a touchy subject with people strongly polarized on all sides. We will endeavor to find a happy medium that allows people to find groups, get into a group, meet up, or adventure in a prefered area without a massive time commitment dedicated solely to travel. For the record, I HATE long travel times, especially since my days of 8+ hour sessions are long gone. I have a few hours to play, and if I have to spend 3/4 of it getting somewhere then I am not having fun. Again, there are plans in the works, but we take this stuff very seriously and we will not rush a quick or easy fix in that we may regret. Know that travelling is a focus here and we are looking at ways to maximize people's play times. There will never be a nexus or POK though, we will likely have some mix of player driven, group driven, and stand alone systems for travel on a per continent basis.
Horses - Horses are 40%, 60%, and 80% runspeed modifiers. The 20% is significant, and we can make higher level mounts more attractive by allowing higher armor and saddlebag additions if necessary. People are upgrading horses currently so it may be too early to consider modifying these. Flying mount quests are going live as well, so there will be a good deal of excitement when these start appearing.
I didn't spell check this, so forgive the bad grammar.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven