<P><STRONG><A HREF="http://vs.warcry.com/">Vanguard
Warcry</A></STRONG><STRONG></STRONG></P> <P>Vanguard
Warcrys Elmoren has a new weekly column. His first article shares the trials
and triumphs of Vanguards launch and looks towards what the future may hold.
You can read Elmorens column weekly <A HREF="http://vs.warcry.com/">here</A>.<BR><BR>For a list of affiliates go <A HREF="http://www.vgplayers.com/links.vm">here</A>! If you have a dedicated Vanguard
fansite and are interested in becoming an affiliate send an email to: <A HREF="mailto:community@sigilgames.com">community@s igilgames.com</A>, be sure
to include a link to your site!</P>