Originally posted by kekerot;156488
it has been messed up since it was supposedly implemented in the 2/15/07 patch. here it what it says

- The strength bonus to melee damage has been changed. Your strength now grants you bonus damage based on both your strength to level ratio and the speed of your weapon. This radically increases the effectiveness of strength in melee combat.
- The dexterity bonus to ranged damage has been changed. Your dexterity now grants you bonus damage based on both your dexterity to level ratio and the speed of your ranged weapon. This radically increases the effectiveness of dexterity in ranged combat.

obviously someone messed up the code and made the damage go off of STR.

i think you might have MELEE and RANGED backwards or all in one. sometimes when i shoot mobs with damage shields with my bow i take damage and the damage shield says only MELEE will take back damage.

oh and does DEX give ranged crit or only "melee" crit?

Yep, its still completly fubar on dev. This is the first time this bug report has ever hit my desk. I'll see about getting someone fixing this today.

