Auf Grund des niedrigen Bevölkerungstandes auf den europäischen PvP Servern hat sich SOE dazu entschlossen einen Charaktertransfer zu den internationalen Servern kostenlos durchzuführen. Gezwungen wird hierbei keiner der Spieler, es soll jedem Spieler frei gestellt sein sich für oder gegen einen Umzug zu entscheiden.

    “There were a couple hours this morning when our Character Transfer Service (CTS) had allowed characters from PvP worlds to transfer to other PvP worlds a bit earlier than we had expected.
    The CTS will be a part of the solution to the EU PvP server population issues, which I´d like to take a minute to talk about.

    Here´s where we are at the moment, and here´s where we´re going:

    * As of right now, we have PvP -> PvP server transfers functional, but closed off since they need to be tested a bit more before we´re confident that all characters will be able to pass through safely.  (e.g. all PvP stats are copied correctly, all language and alignment combinations transferred safely, etc.)…

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