The main reason there was little content in this last patch was because we are working on writs (as well as tier 3 clothing, which only did not make it into this last patch because of one problem that needed to be worked out, and will be in the next patch). These new writs are a massive undertaking, as they are much more involved than the last writs, but we hope that you will all be satisfied with them.

We have been trying to divide our resources to respond to your needs. There has been a large cry for low level content, and we have been listening to that and continue to try to think of ways to implement more while working on higher level content. I was the only designer diverted to creating the 12 presence quests. The other three have been largely working on necessary mechanical work and on higher level projects. Now we are all working on them and doing our best to have them in for you as quickly as we can.

As always, your patience and support are appreciated. We really could not do this without you guys.
