Originally Posted by Bongk
I have been a huge vG fanboy arguing with the hat3rs here very often. But I am losing steam here. All every patch brings is nerfs more nerfs and more nerfs.

Is there even any testing done there? Getting nerfed every fucking patch really pulls the fun out of the game.

I was already the lowest dps of every person in any group I joined and now i get gutted even more?

Nerfing endlessly fucking sucks the fun right out of the game.

With the way they run the game, the bugs and the performance I think I am starting to agree with the hat3rs this game is doomed. They seemingly have no fucking clue what they are doing.

Heres a clue, how about fixing all of our broken abilities before you keep nerfing us? I guess being one of if not the lowest dps class in the game wasn't low enough?

Weren't DSC supposed to be offensive healers? Why do I have to watch other classes solo 3-4 mobs to my one and I get nerfed and they do not?

BTW, really cute ass trick saying you raise our DPS in the patch and than gut us AGAIN. WTF...

Some issues just don't materialize until you go live. Remember, the game has only been out a little over a month. Some nerfs and tweaks are going to be necessary and happen with every MMOG both during beta and for a period of time following launch. That said, we've planned a lot better, given our experience making MMOGs in the past. I'm not going to say we're going to stop making tweaks in the future, or changes that some may consider a nerf -- after all, the long term health of the game is more important than the desires or wants of the individual. Making a more balanced game and our responsibilities as stewards of this evolving, virtual world and service mandates that we balance and tweak. That said, I think it's safe to say that these changes will happen less and less frequently as things settle down and reach more of an equilibrium.

But to be completely honest, in the future, whether it be a Live update or part of a major expansion, if we add significant content of mechanics to the game, undoubtedly we'll have to follow up with some tweaks again -- and some may be considered positive, and others unfortunately negative. These are just the facts of maintaining a service and a healthy MMOG for months and years. We don't like to nerf -- in fact we hate it. We certainly don't like upsetting people and will do our damndest to avoid them if at all possible. Heck, we play this game too, and many of us a LOT. But again, we have to look at the big picture and long term health of the game. While we love the fact that the game is out and we're in a live environment, and while we have a lot of cool plans for new features, classes, mechanics, areas to explore, updated areas, etc., which makes us excited and will continue to evolve Vanguard into an even more incredible game (like I've said, as cool as Vanguard is now (and yes, I realize there are issues and bugs), the Vanguard of 2008 is going to smoke the Vanguard of 2007, and the Vanguard of 2009 smoke 2008. We have a LOT of cool stuff planned (city building, mounted combat, ship to ship combat, better AI and more interesting dungeon layouts and population, eventually user generated content and a more dynamic world, and so much more). But as these things get added, either by the live team or as part of a major expansion, while we'll do our best to test things on test servers, etc. they will be going live and problems will be exposed. And those problems will have to be addressed.

Sorry to go so long on this, but I really want to be up front and clear about this. Again, we hate nerfing or upsetting anyone, but from the very beginning, in the very first FAQ we put up about the game years ago, we made a commitment that the long term and overall health of the game means that overall players will enjoy a better game and a better service. Some people may be affected adversely, or perceive they are, but overall and over time our commitment to maintaining a great game and a great service will pay off.

The alternative would be to let issues stay untouched and cause problems... say a class or classes are unbalanced so people over time feel compelled to play the more powerful classes even though they would have preferred to play another class. Or we leave an exploit in so players feel compelled to advance more quickly in certain areas of the world or by doing certain things, leaving the rest of the world and the opportunities to advance neglected. Or we don't add to the game in fear that we may make mistakes and have to address them, upsetting some people. We can't do that. Arguably the greatest thing about MMOGs is that they continue to advance and evolve -- they're never truly done. What an exciting upside -- to participate in a game that offers more and more the months and even years that you play it. Making the game both deeper and broader is what we've planned for Vanguard for so long. But then we're not perfect either, and we will make mistakes -- hopefully less because of the experience we have making these games -- but then we're pretty ambitious as well, as so we'll likely make brand new mistakes. For that I'll apologize up front, but when we do make mistakes or when something goes live and doesn't work exactly like we'd planned, or what wasn't apparent on dev servers, or on test servers, we will then have to fix the problems in a live environment. Some fixes, hopefully most, will make the majority of players happy. But some will be perceived as negative

What you do have is our commitment to be available and to explain our decisions and to listen to all of you. Hopefully this will minimize 'nerfs' and when they do occur you'll at least know why -- you may agree or disagree -- but we will both explain and listen, because we owe you guys that and because from the beginning Sigil has always stood for being up front and not hiding things -- stealth nerfs and the like.

Thanks for listening and for your understanding and patience as we continue to build upon the foundation that is Vanguard and take it places not only have we planned and dreamed about for years now, but also places we haven't even thought of yet

*bow*</div> <div class="smallfont"> Last edited by Aradune Mithara : 03-09-2007 at 05:12 AM.
