Originally posted by Rourke;163647
Well..i do appreciate your time for posting here now. I really feel that we could keep you here all day. I think right now, there is a lot of unrest in the community. Some warranted, a lot not.

Would it be possible to have a person in Sigil take questions on Affiliate Sites and pass them along to you to answer in the next, say 2 weeks? That would help consolidate questions, and concerns. Say we limit the questions to 20 or so? Even a Top Ten would ease a lot of worries i bet. Let the site leaders pick the Top Ten or 20?

We could try something like that. If someone responsible for each affiliate site wants to collect emails with general questions and send me questions every 1-2 weeks in bulk I could try to answer them all at once. Again, though, specifics about the game, recent patches, etc. should be handled by the devs. The game is so big now I can't keep track of it all and as I mentioned my time is better spent evangelizing the game on more mainstream non-Vanguard specific sites. It's more of a PR/Marketing effort.
