Originally Posted by Hachima![]()
I use to crash after chunking on release. Since then the patches have helped a large amount and I've gone full days without crashing, and no one in my group crashing. Even when doing mass chunking there have been no crashes lately(could Ceros Isle be placed in any worse location? It is placed on 4 different chunks it seems like and you cross them all while taking the path to the top)
I've fallen through the world a few times but it is by far an exception. I usually like it because it means easier travel and a legit reason to /stuck, whichever is faster haha.
Unfinished quests? I've completed 468 quests now and so far only one has been bugged for me. I wouldn't say any line was unfinished though.
Missing quest hubs? Absolutely for lvl 40+, but I don't think that is what you were referring to though. Up till lvl 40 there are a lot of good quest lines to complete, and a lot of them good for solo/duo.
I think that was the biggest surprise to me was the amount of solo content/quest lines available. It's not the main focus of 1-50 content like WoW but there is a lot more available to do solo than EQ2 had to offer. This was a big gripe for me in early beta. I felt like I had nothing to do unless I had a group. I think there is a nice balance now though.
The death penalty solution is nice, this was another early concern for me. Early beta it set you back hours worth of time. Now it only sets you back just 5-20 min of exp time depending on if you CR/summon. You don't want to die a lot but even a few deaths aren't going to frustrate you and make you want to log.
Repairs seem fine for non tanks, so far it doesn't seem like you will have to farm mass gold just to play and keep repairs up. Tanks need some serious help in how their gear decays though.
I don't mind travel times, they don't seem to be too bad with the teleporting boat system. If/when the teleporters are removed it will be a bit frustrating though. The CoH system needs some work though, it doesn't work as intended for all dungeons and makes it a pain to replace members in some areas.
Overal most issues are pretty short term. Mainly 40+ content and getting disciple skills working.
The weakness system would be one thing I'd like to see improved for long term changes. It's not too interesting to play with, and doesn't seem all that important to use. I would like to see a system that requires multiple player combos that temp unlocks unique skills. The skills could be unlock for a time based period or number of uses based. No time to do that atm though probably with all the other stuff that needs worked on.
Well said. We do know that there are people who CTD, fall through the world, etc. and we are working on those issues. But it is also true that the majority of players are not experiencing these issues very often. My guild can play for hours and hours before running into a CTD. In fact, I don't think I've CTD'd in months (granted I have a pretty high end PC at home to play).