Originally posted by Fong;167820
Great post.

But there in lies the problem. Vanguard is not Multi-threaded because they had to support all those $54 CPU's out there, namely the Pentiums & Athlon64's.

If Sigil was allowed to multi-thread, all they would have to do is load off the HD the next chunk into main memory and then from there into your Video card instead of comming strait off the slower HD. Preemtive loading.

Almost everyone has dual-cores, but not all. Some are still living in the dark ages. But they will have a rude awakening in 2007 when they see "Dual-core required" on some games. Kinda wish Sigil would've gone this route, but we'll see. Hopefully their working on a 64bit build of the game with the unreal 3 engine.


We do use some multi threading, so a dual core helps a little, but there's a lot more that can and will eventually be done. We certainly plan on making the client take advantage of multiple cores as it's clearly the future of CPUs. We'll eventually go to a 64bit client, but a lot of coding will have to be done. While our code won't be a huge problem, the Unreal 2.x code will be. It may make sense to go to Unreal 3 at the same time, I don't know -- Ryan Elam would know better. Too bad there was no Unreal 3.0 when we started the project, but such is life. We'll catch up
