The ability looks mostly fine to me (spiritual nukes weren't being affected but I just fixed that). It adds +1% spell damage to all damage types and +2% to fire so I'm not sure how much of a difference you'd see without parsing due to the variability of spell damage.

I will test it tomorrow and make sure that it's definately working, though
Originally posted by Elgarr;180319
Ok i know a dev has said they are aware of Varr paperwork being bugegd. Problem is this there are others that are bugged for alot of people and it would be nice to get a confimration that its being looked into. At present there is'nt alot to do at 45+ (no this is not what this post is about) The problem is that when there is some quests to do, that it would be so nice that they are working properly, nothing more frustrating than waiting a while for higher end quests only to find some are bugged.

Eyes of zull is bugged for alot of people (at least tell us that you know and are fixing it) Provoking convokers also bugs for people, the seal of banishment doesnt drop (i think this is tied somehow to same bug from eyes of zull, as people who cant seem to do eyes, have same prob with provoking convokers) There are more quests after these that people can not get or complete as they are bugged for them, so they are being held up because of these probs.

Now after having to get up at the crack of dawn to be able to complete the Varr paperwork quest, i then got to the end of the quest and recieved this...

Thing is that when its equipped you have a buff appear in your buff window called Freedon from the Zull but it does'nt seem to make bugger all differenace to my spell damage, I tried it on 10 mobs of the same type, with it on and without it on using 3 different spells, now either i am missing the point on something here, or its broken as well. So plz for the sake of my sanity can i get a reply to the quests i mentioned and the item effect.

Thank you
