<P>Welcome to
the Weekly Roundup, the one stop shop for recent developer sightings on the Affiliate
Fansites. You’ll find links to the various sites and discussions, feel free
to join in! This weeks update includes posts from the following categories:<BR><BR></P> <UL> <LI>Adventuring</LI> <LI>Diplomacy</LI> <LI>Crafting</LI> </UL> <P><BR>For a list of additional affiliates go <A HREF="http://www.vgplayers.com/links.vm">here</A>! If you have a dedicated
Vanguard fansite and are interested in becoming an affiliate send an email
to: <A HREF="mailto:community@sigilgames.com">community@s igilgames.com</A>,
be sure to include a link to your site!</P>