If folks don't like it, I can easily remove it. Doesn't mean that any particles will replace it, though. The only particles that generally look good on bows are the elemental ones and they're saved for other weapons. This is mostly due to the particle cag inherent to bows; may have to get the artists to redo those cages. Will try to figure something out if the general consensus is that the glow is "the suck."
It's funny; I added that because players would have complained that other Legendarys received a glow while their bows didn't. Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't
Originally posted by Balouch;216734
I mean.. it's nice to see it no longer looks like a level 30 common, but give me a break, you couldn't come up with a better effect than THAT? It's a corny 10 second job... I've got a cheezy neon sign on my back now.
If it's going to look like this, please give me a way to toggle off the glow or something. This legendary item looks like a pos.