Ein weiteres langes Interview ist in den Weiten des Internets aufgetaucht. In diesem Interview, geführt zwischen MMOG Nation und Mark Jacobs geht es über verschiedene Dinge, aber hauptsächlich um Warhammer Online.

    MN: What do you think … I guess I’m going to jump around, my apologies. What do you think Warhammer does 100% better than anything else?

    Mark: Oh, our RvR. That’s something we did obviously quite successfully with Dark Age of Camelot. If you talk to our players, even players of other games, they think that Camelot’s implimentation of RvR and PvP was the best in any MMO. Certainly our longevity, our subscriber count, all of that attest to that. The market is kind of unforgiving. If you produce a very bad product, you don’t do well. Obviously, because we’ve lasted so long, because our game remains very popular, we produce a very good product. Hopefully, a great product. And since the core of this game is also RvR and Player vs. Player, I think it’s a safe thing to say that that is what people really liked. So we have that going for us right from the beginning.

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