Originally posted by Mustang68;222194
Also, based on the developer tracker info, it seems like that this will be going live with this following a fine tuning. I'm also disappointed to learn that they apparently are not really concerned with everyone's opinion other than to fine-tune their system.

I feel like I've been very supportive of Sigil in these forums, so I am especially disappointed by all of this. It's even worse when you consider that currently there is a brand new, popular alternative to VG that you will just push disappointed people into playing.

Hey everyone,

I want to clarify here, the current death mechanics on test are not a complete system, they are mechanics we want to test and get the bugs out of. Test is a great thing because it allows us to test and see how it effects the playerbase and the games health. I have said this several times now and we fully realize how passionate some are about this topic - but remember that this is on test for us and the community to test and is subject to modification, replacement, or removal at anytime we see fit.

Test != Live

Thanks all

(How many times can I say Test in one post? )
