While I like the idea of a Butler (we've been working on a design for "entourages" for some time), the problem we are all facing will be corrected naturally in the following ways:
First, a lot of people have a lot of tier 4 and 5 information that has _potential value_ - you must keep it, but it's a major load on your bank space.
Second, clothing gives Presence, but not in enough categories. We're working on the balance of how many Presences to offer on a single clothing item.
Third, there's an "anticipation cost" that a lot of you are paying. This is the most difficult to manage, because there's a logical feeling that you will want to hang on to stuff until you see how things develop. I got a PM from a player (yes, I read them - no, I likely will not reply to them) that was hoarding Entertainment vendor drops in the hope/fear that they will be used in future content like Crafting.
These three issues are crushing your bank space. Here's our solutions that are in the pipeline (this is not an ETA post, sadly):
- Tier 4 and 5 clothing will be coming out with placeholder art. Holding you guys back while we get the pretty shinies for you all is just not a good idea any longer.
- Most clothing slots will offer multiple Presences on a single item.
- You can sell any "junk" you're holding from Entertain parleys. Baubles will be used more and more in various applications, but we won't ever use "junk" except the possibility of "get me three X" quests where X comes from Entertain loot.
- The valise has a few size categories already created. There are larger ones to earn.