Originally posted by Aegorian;231783
i dont see how it's possible. We've already had 1 post that indicates that they're quitting because of a theorized change to the death penalty. If i were a dev and read this, i'd be LESS willing to communicate changes and/or gather user feedback. Next thing you know "Hey guys! We're thinking about giving you more money drops off mobs... what do you think?"... "OMG I QUIT!". His opinion is his own of course, but how do you expect them to take feedback like that seriously? They're damned if they do, damned if they dont, and apparently damned if they simply think about it.

We always try to be as open and honest as possible about upcoming changes. Unfortunately many have jumped the gun on assuming the death penalty changes were going live.

In fact in a few hours we'll be removing the new mechanics after getting some great feedback and bug reports. Does this mean that the death mechanics will never change? No, but we are serious when we say that the test environment is exactly that.

There will be many times when we push something to test that will never go live or at least won't be recognizable if it does show up, others will. Its the nature of game design to test new concepts and mechanics to improve the systems we currently have.

We're always open for constructive criticism and to hear how the players feel about the current state of the game and how it could be better. We know there are still bugs and performance issues that we're working to fix daily.

It's a blessing and a curse to be able to change these games rapidly, so open communication with the community is necessary to ensure that we're doing the right thing.

Thanks all
