Originally posted by peppy13;235402
I understand that everything isn't 100 percent perfect and there might be an occasional slip of inconsistent or bad info every now and then. However, this seems to be happening a lot and not just every now and then. And I understand I dont know the inner workings of the company because I dont work there everday.
I was just trying to make a point based on everything I've seen so far with communication and information we get isn't always good and consistent and could be much much better. and I think many others would agree. Do you at Sigil feel that communication is poor sometimes (and I understand you cant speak on behalf of every single person there Elrar)? And is any action (not talk) being done to improve it?
We encourage everyone to post in the community as individuals, we always have. The benefits of us as individuals being able to be a part of and interact with the community on a day to day basis are excellent and in my opinion outweighs the negatives.
Does this create a larger chance for conflict of opinion? Sure - but it also shows that we're all gamers too and that we take the development of this game and it's community as personally as everyone here does.