Originally Posted by Arrec
1. Should we keep unused hearsay information from lower tiers, in the hope that new uses will be implemented for it?
All my banks and brokers are full
I have started to parley with lvl 425 npc(s) and of course I do not have room to hold 3 tiers of information in my bags.
I understand that during beta altars were in game which would accept large amounts of information in exchange for cards.
2. I believe I read recently that tier 4&5 clothing would come out with placeholder art (can't find the thread now) -does this mean that tier 4 and 5 clothing will be released close to the same time?
If tier 5 clothing is coming out a month after the release of tier 4 - I should be focused on gathering tier 4 information. If the release of tier 5 clothing is close in time to tier 4 (due to use of placeholder art) then I should focus on gather tier 5.
CHEERS to the diplo development team - we are spoiled by the fact that the development team reads these boards and responds when it is appropriate.
lvl 380 diplo
Keep some of your hearsay. They are used in creating special Diplomacy items in the future.
I don't want to make this a "coming soon" thread, because it isn't, but we have big plans for "useless" information.
Tier 4 and 5 clothing will be coming sooner-er than any Diplomacy items you would make out of information, however.