The only helm that'd be "better" than a lvl 53 Legendary helm would, in all likelihood, be a 54 Legendary Helm. Better than that? 55 Legendary. Continues on... Granted, I can take liberties by making items better with attached or activated abilities but, from a pure statistic/attribute standpoint, the higher rarity and level that an item is, the less likely you'll ever find an upgrade. Now take EE into account and how many of those higher level items that you can wear at one time...
A 47 Legendary is currently equivalent to a level 55 Heroic from a statistic/attribute/points standpoint.
That's just how the current system works; will it change? Yes but, until then, I'm not going to leave myself zero room for upgrades.
Drunk? No. Ignorant? No. Currently wishing that Xeffo was around to molest your corpse again? Yes.![]()
Originally Posted by Stabs![]()
Drunk again?![]()
So doing an epic Red to 50 quest nets a 47 helm? Interesting logic. If a quest takes this long to complete for a level 47 legendary helm, I guess we can plan on raids taking years to net any decent loot.