Originally posted by PlacentaBurrito;249279
Now by outfitters do you mean the lucent medal outfitter guys? thats it them and the neck?... I'll still finish out my rep as I've got the highest on my server but come on... Please tell me there is more to it.
Now by impossible do you mean that they hit way too hard in tightly packed corners and then run away and regen at an absurd rate? Or literally impossible as in the "boss" type mobs aoe for a shit ton in packed corridors, and then regen at an equally absurd rate. Where me and a bloodmage and a warrior couldnt dps it down once it started running because it was regenning too fast? Or regenning just slow enough for me to watch one blatant fking maggot bard ( I am one too this should be impossible ) and a bloodmage to kill it from half life to dead in 30 seconds using only a dot song and bloodmage dps.
The rare/heroic/expendables will be available at any faction. This is done so you don't need a full group of people with max faction to do the events to get Medals. The events themselves do require at least one person to have high faction and we'll be bringing more items live to reward those who have completed the faction grind (i.e. they will require max faction), but they still need tuning before they go in. Specifically, we have no idea how quickly Lucent Medals will enter the world yet (personally I think they'll be coming in really quickly once the events are figured out) and don't want to give out items of that caliber too easily and/or quickly. Sorry, know it sucks a bit... at least you got a straight answer though.
Originally posted by petelta
he said something about the medals will be quest rewards for the high pyramids "WHEN THEY GO LIVE."
Think you misunderstood what I said. I said that they are the quest rewards for the large pyramids which were more or less impossible due to having NPCs that were roughly equivalent to 8 dots.I am pretty sure the difficulty tweaks went live with yesterday's patch so you should be able to get Lucent Medals as soon as you or one of your group mates meets the faction requirement.