Originally Posted by STLBluesNut![]()
Originally Posted by Apricoth
Yes, I have been annoyed with Silius here and there but that's life. I get annoyed with the people I love - I get over it.
Whoah what are you saying here? -silius
from http://www.vanguardcrafters.com/foru...180#post118180
while funny and interactive. take a moment and post like:
''crafting xp was reduced to fall in line with current leveling projections''
''this is being looked at, we are examining how to bring xp back in line''
''craft xp was reduced to make it more tedious to encourage adventuring, which VG is geared towards''
''craft xp was reduced because apricoth mailed me an envelope of anthrax and now you all must pay''
Sorry man but that early in the morning I am thinking about giving my kids and wife goodbye kisses. Taking time out for a quick one liner before I even head to the office I am fine with. Getting into some deep post on a thread I cannot really comment on is not something I am wanting to do in the morning. And I certainly would not reply with anything you posted here except for the last line perhaps.