Originally Posted by Jaradis
I don't care how crafting xp compares to adventuring or diplo xp. My entire complaint is to stop the massive changes to the xp for crafting. A tweak here and there (meaning 1-5%) is one thing, but a 30% shift back and forth every other month is way out of line.

Once again, I don't care which xp curve is used. We've had 3 major ones now. The one at release, the one after T3+ changes, and the one now. I don't care which we use. Just pick one and stick to it. If a bug fix adjusts it too far out from that curve, then steps need to be made immediately to put it back near that curve. It's not right for xp to be changing so drastically.

I'm simply asking Silius, Kwags, and whoever else determines what xp rates are set at, to sit down and decide what xp curve they want. And baring some major game breaking change that warrants a new curve, to stick to that curve.

If this is the curve they want. Fine, say this is what you are wanting. Then stick to it. We'll adjust and grind it. But if this isn't the curve you want, and you want the original adjustment you made two months or so ago, then change it now. Don't make people grind for weeks or months on this lower rate only to bump it up after they did all the extra work for nothing.

Your wish is my command Jaradis.

Our current curve is the curve that we intend but as always we have to take into consideration feedback from our community. The hsitory of XP changes since launch have been

1. Bug: All work orders in a tier having the same base amount (Fixed, Major increase in XP across the board)
2. Bug: Where I put the wrong values in as I was looking at the wrong spreadsheet. This has come to be known as the famous fat finger (Fixed, Brought things back in line after discovering the above bug)
3. Increase in XP for work orders in tier 3 and higher to compensate for the additional action families (Intentional change based on community feedback)
4. Bug: A rampant hidden variable adding a multiplier to processes done in succession that had to be fixed (XP bonus was not intended and internal testing actually debunked for awhile until we got more eyes on it)
5. Pending increase to amount of base XP per grade. (This should be on test or going to test soon)

Of all these instances where the XP was modified most of them were fixing bugs and all of them were positive form the player point of view save number 4. We have messed with XP for crafting less times then adventuring and the two actual changes are not that drastic. Bugs we have to fix and they may cause serious pendulum shifts but we do our best to take care of them. All in all you are getting a huge amount of XP in comparison to what we launched with (because of bug number 1) and nothing we have done is a nerf of intended progression.

I cannot promise that XP will not be modified more, that is up to the community. The current adjustment to XP will be a part of a possible series of tweaks depending on feedback. As far as refusing to admit something, I am not sure where we have refused to admit anything, if there is a post somewhere that shows this please link it. Do we comment on everything, no and you should not expect us too as it is not a part of our job.

I do not try to hide things, we are honest and we have admitted mistakes we have made. I am learning however to not comment to fast on things until we have internally addressed an issue and come to a conclusion. You guys are like my extended family and the crafting system is my baby so I am doing the best I can to get all of us on the same page as much as possible.

We may not always see eye to eye but remember guys me wub you all and I just want to see you guys have some fun while your accomplishing great things.

Now before Antonius gets on me for showing my human side in a post, I must get back to work.

