I'll try to make a post either later tonight or tomorrow regarding some of the things you'll see in the somewhat near future.

I spent several hours today working with a handful of designers specing out some of our initial raid targets, their gimmicks and ability sets.

As I've posted in the past, a full on raid interface is a while off. It will be a while before we are working on full blown raid dungeons as well.

We are also currently in the process of adding the code support for persistant respawn timers, as well as the ability to lock down targets to a specified number of players- who cannot be affected by people outside of the "raid list" for the NPC. I'll give some more details on what this means and /why/ we are doing this In the Near Future(TM).

Over the next week or two we will likely have some of these targets available on the test server. I need to talk to a few more people before I open it up, but we will be inviting guilds and groups of players to have buffed characters on the test server for the express purpose of testing these encounters (they wont be keeping said characters). Stay tuned in the next few weeks for details on how to submit your guild or group of friends for this.

Feel free to repost this elsewhere, I'm a bit strapped for time as I make this post

