Originally Posted by Bloodbeard![]()
The video was nice, though the UI reminds me too much of WoW I understand it is very flexible and I can make it look better. The fact that it is being shot on medium settings is very encouraging and I will pass that on to my guildies, who were wondering how choppy it might be on an average machine, if we were invited to beta3.
I enjoyed the combat animations, especially if those are still being tweaked, they look good now.
The icons are nice, particularily what looks to be the menu, journal, etc... and the bag, icons.
These things are what really peak my enthusiasm for your game. The stretching exercises the npc is doing before going into sword practice... the subtle movements of the smoke... the nice detail on the fabric of the tents as it really looks like fabric(or leather, on my work comp so not positive if that is a soft look of fabric or brushed look of leather, but still nice either way)... the ruins as I'm a sucker for ruins in a game if they are done properly and realistically... the things done with the tents and tent posts to make it look as though they would stand up in real life.
I love the look. It's immersive, as three times while watching the video, I tried to move the screen with mouse and/or scroll in to 1st person. heh
All I need now is a slot, to help track down bugs or potential problems.
Good job, everyone @ Sigil.
Keep in mind that the UI is user configurable and XML driven, so people will have sorts of UIs I'm sure, looking unique or like other games, etc. As far as I'm concerned, a UI should be what helps the player play the game in a way they are most comfortable with and used to.