Hey guys!

Sorry about the delay, I just got back from some long awaited time off (yay for vacation)!

Anyway, I had adjusted the ring drop so that you should get at least 1 per hour. If it's still that bad, I'll up the drop rate again today but don't expect that to go in for at least 1 - 2 updates.

Secondly, everything is hooked up except the full ring quest. Sadly we were supposed to get some extra areas added to the Citadel that never actually materialized. I'm going to try and hook up an alternate quest line in the coming days to flesh out the ring quest--it's worth it, trust me

Anyway, I really appreciate all this feedback. I'm going to sit with Cylus today and go over the items and I expect to have them all adjusted by the end of the week and, again, you can expect to see those changes in the next couple of patches.
