Auf der offziellen Seite wird David "Hasium" Gilbertson vorgestellt. Er ist Director of Development für Vanguard Saga of Heroes. Er spricht ein wenig darüber, wie es zur Zeit mit dem Umzug zu Sony Online Entertainment aussieht und das es bald schon einen neuen Patch geben wird. Auch werden bald weitere Informationen zur Serverzusammenlegung bekannt gegeben.

    It´s been a crazy couple of weeks here at Vanguard as we get integrated into the SOE family. As you can probably imagine, it can get a little hectic as we get everyone set-up with email along with getting offices, cubicles, and computers moved around. I had hoped to get this letter of Introduction out to you sooner, but between integration fun and a bout with the stomach flu it took me a little longer than I expected. So here I am. My name is David Gilbertson and I am a recovering crunch-aholic. I´ve been working on Vanguard since the beginning, some 5+ years ago. I´ve had my hand in most aspects of Vanguard with most of my later time spent producing.

Link: Hier gehts zur Vorstellung