Originally Posted by conquestt
When you work on a game like Vanguard does it make it hard for you play

the game and actually have as much of a good time, as if you hadnt known

anything about it to start? I know if i knew almost everything about a game

before it was launched i would still like it, but the surprise and first time feeling

would be gone. But of course i have never worked on a game so i dont know.

What are your(Devs) feelings on this?

I would reiterate what Derek has already said. There is certainly a sense of pride when people are playing and enjoying the content that one has had a hand in implementing.

In addition there is the knowledge that if when I'm playing through I come across some quest that isn't implemented properly, or some monsters that are just a bit too hard/easy, or if I have a great idea about some camp that could fill in some empty space, I can take an active hand in getting things fixed and more playable. Almost any time I'm playing a game I have those 'wouldn't be cool if...' moments, the difference is that when I'm playing Vanguard I can actually act on them.

By spending so much time working with the guts of a game system it is certainly easy to lose the magic of immersion and wonder when first exploring a world, but I've found that has been replaced by the joy I get from being able to work to improve the very game I'm playing.
