Originally Posted by Gearsn
I have a problem with your test methods. You were given 10,000 generated bags to open. these were all done as quickly as the server could generate them to you. And heres my point.

From the kits I have gotten they appear to be nearly identicle by when I turned them into the taskmaster. If do 3 batches and open the bags and the first one is vendor crap the other 2 are as well. I have even tried openning the first one, and upon realizing is garbage I wait 5 minutes and open the next. also garbage, 5 minutes later more junk. it seems more like whats in the bag is predetermined from when I turned it in then when I openned it.

So I decided to expand the test. If I do 3 Batched and turn them in, but I keep the kits and organize them in a group. Then go back and do 3 more batches, again keeping the kits seperate. I do this until I have 2 full bags of kits to open. Here is when the fun begins. I open the kits by groupings. first 3 vendor trash. Second 3, 2 tools. next 3 3 powder. Next 3, 1 recipe, Next 3, 2 recipes. Next 3, clothes. next 3, junk. next 3 junk. next 3 tools. next 3 powders.....

I thought this rather odd that the bags I got were so similiar in what they dropped by when I turned them in so I did the test again. This time I openned 1 bag from each groupings from top to bottom and noted what I got. Then I went back to the same groupings top to bottom and did it again. until I had openned all the kits. And I got the exact same result.

I just cant understand this. Is the roll of what items are in the bag determined by the time the bag was created by the server, or when I openned it. It seems to be the former. Your test method was 10,000 bags genrated across a span of time. The way real crafting goes we get at most 3 hits to the DB every 5-10 minutes. Of course yours is going to show a nice steady average. Real game rewards are a sporatic hit to the DB effected by all the other hits to it from the rest of the game. As you said

Your test is done on the dev server. No-one plays there (much) so your hits were exclusive you alone. We share the RNG. as others have pointed out, your RNG does not appear to be totallt random. Its seeded by previous results, its biased.

I even still have an item in my inventory that doesnt exist. I was doing a brick order, on the 96-100th brick stack I was returned a non-exist item. It has no name, if I click on it I get a minimized window with the slightest edge of a cancel button on it. Totally seperate problem, but illustrates the point. Things do not come back from the DB as you might hope they would. The game tries to operate as you wish it, but it does not in application.

I have gotten 35 recipe's now T3-T4. ZERO carvings.

Honestly I cannot say this anymore. The RNG internal and external is the same. The packs I am clicking are the same packs you get from work orders. As far as your question about when things are generated the loot table is rolled when the pack is clicked. The loot is not determined until you click the pack it has nothing to do with time or arrangement.

I have done all I can do to prove to you that things are working. So far I have a sample size of 20,000 work order packs of the same parameters spread across two different tests and the results are what I have given here. If any of you were to do the same you would get approximately the same results.

As far as checking total that have dropped and such we do not have the capability of doing that it is something that is not logged and VG players is not the most reliable source for various reasons. The only thing remaining is if their is an outfitter test case that someone wants me to run outside of that clicking 10,000 bags takes a chunk of my work day that needs to be spent on other things I am responsible for. I don’t mind doing it but if my results are just going to be thrown back in my face and you are not going to take me at my word there is really no point in me being open about how any of this works.

