Im offiziellen Forum hat die Community Managerin für Vanguard Saga of Heroes eine Umfrage gestartet. In dieser geht es darum, die Probleme im Spiel zu priorisieren und somit zu bestimmen, in welcher Reihenfolge diese behoben werden sollen.

    We have our first poll for the Vanguard community. We would like your assistance in prioritizing our efforts to correct issues that most affect your game play. Please choose the issue that you would like to see the team focus on first. This does not mean that the other issues will be ignored. We will be working on all of these over time; however we would like your help in setting our first goal.

        * Character issues
        * User interface issues
        * Environment issues
        * Broken or incomplete Quests
        * Art problems

Link: Hier gehts zur Umfrage