Hello everyone! It was nice to meet some of you at the block party. I am here to clarify some of the details of Andok's post. As you'd expect, some things get a bit muddle in translation. That, and it was really loud there so it may have been hard to understand.
As most of this was in response to my...responses, i'll use Addok's original post to clarify.
Note: I didn't read the whole thread, so I may be repeating other devs. It's ok, they like it when I do that.
Originally posted by Andok;308749
Seems SOE is planning a relaunch prior to the end of the year, the next two live updates should have the game completely (or as close as possible) to where it was meant to be at release.
Not sure exactly where this came from. I did say that the next two updates will add a ton of functionality and will make the game more complete.
Also one of the programmers stated that what we see in Telon now is actually only 25% of the content they have ready for the game and plan on releasing an expansion sometime 1st quarter 2008 AFTER the re-launch.
I musta been "one of the programmers" (I am a designer). There were no programmers for Vanguard at the event. I certainly never gave a percentage, but I did say they we have always has plans to expand and that we had good notions what those expansions would entail.
Included in the expansion is going to be basically strictly raid content, and all of it apparently high end, or a vast majority of it. So much high end that they will more than likely raise the level cap to 60 with either that or the following expansion. There will also be more raid content added prior to the expansion as a part of the relaunch and this means more than just APW.
A whole new continent will be added with a free live update that includes nothing but raids. It will be a raidfest continent.
Hehe, these statements were misunderstood. I am exited about our upcoming raid content. We are not planning to add a new raid continent into a live update. it was noisy so I guess content and continent sound alike. I did say that APW will be an area (chunk, zone, wev) that will be exclusively raid content. I also mention that in the first expansion we are more likely to increase the level cap than we are to add a new class. When we expand
It also appears that the starting areas will undergo a major revamp (Or have been revamped, not certain) and this too will be added prior to the relaunch.
Inquisitors and Berserkers. Of the two, Inquisitors stand the better chance of making it in game, although Berserkers will eventually be implemented, no time frame given.
When we do add a class, the Inquisitor will certainly be first. That is far off on the horizon now though.
I give a lot of credit to SOE for sticking to the development of Vanguard as I know many people were incredibly dissappointed with the game, and understandibly so. Although I enjoy the game very much now, I have always wanted the game to be what we had hoped for (And lied to about by Brad.)
I know it won't please everyone and some people will not have positive input, but to me, as a Vanguard player, I am very excited to see that Vanguard has a commitment from SOE and hopefully they will do right for the playerbase, both current and former enough as to bring more players back.
The emphasis on the development side seems to continue to be working with the very restrictive computer requirements and attempting to make the game more widely playable. I know some people simply can not run Vanguard and those issues are being addressed by the programmers.
Other items being worked on right now are a better guild management system, workable guild bankers, vendors, etc..
I made no mention of these things being worked on right now. We certainly want more guildhall and guild functionality in the game, but there are tasks that take priority over these that are being worked on first.
Guild Halls are coming into the game and there will be four different guild halls, two qalian and two thestran, both offering medium and large halls. The Thestran ones will look like castles, whereas the Qalian ones will look similar to the Taj Majal.
There are Kojanese guildhalls as well. I believe there are 2 versions of each.
The raids will be limited to 12, 18 and 24 (18 if 24 is too lag intensive) man raids as the lag issues, due to the intense video graphics, somewhat limit ther raid capacity potential and therefore they are going to accommodate smaller raid forces. As video cards and computers can handle the graphics of Vanguard flawlessly, they will more than likely work on larger raid forces.
Visitors and guests were allowed five questions and this is the info that I can provide currently, there were four people form Vici Infinitio at the block party and they will all be posting on our forums more information that they obtained and I will try to keep this updated for those interested in knowing.
There was no official number of questions allowed. When approached I said i'd answer 5 so I would be available to talk to other people. Over the next 3 hours, I believe I answered all of the questions (15+ maybe?). I never balk at answering questions about the game.