Originally Posted by Maxxius
Get your dam facts straight, Brad did not create EQ. He never did. I give him credit for finishing it and pushing it out to market when the original design team quit.

Steve Clover and I did indeed write the initial design docs for EQ (Steve even came up with the name EverQuest). We were the first 2 guys hired for the EQ project in March 1996. I also was Producer (managed the entire team) for the duration of development until release (March 1996 thru March 1999) and also helped produce Kunark, Velious, and Luclin (although Andy Sites and Jeff Butler helped me with Kunark, and Jeff Butler was producer on Velious and Luclin while I was exec. producer).

The 'original team' never quit during development of the game and in fact we have very few of the original team leave until we started working on other games during Kunark (EQ 2, etc.), and then even fewer actually quit. Several did leave from EQ 1 and EQ 2 to help found Sigil with Jeff & me in Jan 2001, and more joined us soon after (including Steve Clover, Milo Cooper, and Kevin McPherson who were all part of the original team -- in fact, Kevin was the third member of the EQ 1 team if I recall correctly). Milo is also one of our character artists and was the main character artist behind the original EQ 1 models. McPherson is also the key programmer on Vanguard assigned to animations, characters, etc.

Not sure where you are getting your misinformation, but a lot of accurate info can be found http://www.sigil.com/team/bradmcquaid.html and elsewhere.
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