Let me clarify what we're looking for on this end.
We anticipate a lot of changes coming to Diplomacy in the near future. Also, Linear and I have enjoyed an excellent relationship with a number of players who have given us information and support so that we can get fixes done as quickly as we can.
This all being said, it's not a sustainable system - players really need a single person they know will present their issues to, and it only helps us to have a single player we know has the latest information.
I'm uncomfortable with popularity contests in general (fun Aruspex fact - I've gotten second place in more elections than I care to name [three times by less than a 1% margin of votes!]), so we'll listen to lobbying, but we're totally reserving the right to select the person we wish.
Also, I want to note that we recognize that most of the people who apply with us will be "qualified." If you aren't selected, please support your class leader, it'll help us with our main goal, which is to make Diplomacy the best system we can - you not being selected is simply us being bad choosers, not you being unqualified.
I'm working with Ellyria on the official post on this.