Originally Posted by Angry Amadeus
But advanced AI is always part of development (supposedly), so therefore it's nothing /new/. It will constantly be evolving.

However, with my motion-sensing idea, you wouldn't flick your fucking wand around like an imbecile, but rather you would gently caress it and maneuver it in necessary patterns to cast a spell - imagine having a complex tracing requirement for wand maneuverability which required you to hit 10, or 15 points with different motions in order to fire off a spell. Circling your wand around and touching those key points in the necessary order would require true dexterity, not just regular visits to lolitampegs.com.

Wow, what a terrible idea. Weren't you the one who tried to tell me MMO's shouldn't look to consoles for inspiration?

On the AI - it's not a matter of making some technological improvements it's about shifting fundamental game mechanics. You'd be amazed how AI in a game can provide a variety of interesting/unique encounters when your combat system doesn't have the constraints of, "player must take X damage every Y seconds."
