Companies are formed to make money. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Nobody, save for non-profit orgs and such, goes into business for the greater good or enjoyment of people. Nobody makes games for the pure enjoyment of it without regards to profits. I guarantee you, if 989 Studios didn't think EQ could make a profit, it would not have been made.
The reason Pardo and Co. spent so much time polishing WoW is they knew very well that the gaming public would no longer forgive bug-ridden games that weren't fun to play. They also knew that someone releasing a fun, polished game were going to draw in a LOT of $$$. Nobody however, had any idea that WoW would be this large.
I make games because it's something I really love, and fortunately, someone thinks I do it well enough to pay me a salary for doing that thing I enjoy. I probably couldn't be doing this though for free. I need to pay the bills just alike all of you (well.. except Sean).</div> <div> __________________
Elidroth Renato