Sony Online Entertainment hat bekannt gegeben, dass am Dienstag den 25. September werden alle SOE Services wegen einer Server-Aktualisierung für voraussichtlich 24 Stunden nicht erreichbar sein.

    All SOE games, websites, message boards, Knowledge Base, Station store, and other services will be unavailable for approximately 24 hours beginning on Tuesday, September 25th. All SOE services will be undergoing upgrades to the authentication system and as a result, all logins for SOE services will be unavailable. Technical and Account support will only be available by phone during this time. Please keep an eye on this website for more news and information about this maintenance as it becomes available. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this downtime.

Diese Aktualisierung betrifft alle SOE Spiele, Webseiten, Foren, Wissensdatenbanken und einiges andere mehr.

Link: Hier gehts zur Meldung