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Thema: GU 39 auf den 23.10.2007 verschoben !

  1. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von Cenarius Beitrag anzeigen
    wurde der Brandstifter schon gefunden?
    Wo hat Blizzard seine Büros? Such da!
    Gruss Fuco
    Server Valor
    Foan 78 Zauberer
    Foho 60 Wächter
    Nonae 58 Dirge

    Gilde Zuflucht (75) Gilden-Halle Süd-Qeynos

  2. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von Clywd Beitrag anzeigen
    Imho liegt die Verschiebung einfach daran, daß es in San Diego momentan brennt und die SOE Büros evakuiert wurden
    Das könnte wohl eher dafür sorgen das sich Gu39 noch mehr verschiebt ;)

  3. Standard

    Komme von hier aus nicht auf die Offizielle HP, steht da schon was wann GU 39 nun kommt.

  4. Standard

    Die Netzwerkstatusseite von EQII meldet:
    "Vorgesehene Stillstandszeit 26.10.2007 6:00 CET / 10/25/2007 9:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time".

    Aufgrund der Brände in Süd-Kalifornien und der Evakuierung der SOE-Büros in San Diego könnte ich mir aber vorstellen, daß es sich nochmal verschiebt - in dem Fall verständlicherweise.
    Der Hauptunterschied zwischen etwas, was möglicherweise kaputtgehen könnte und etwas, was unmöglich kaputtgehen kann, besteht darin, dass sich bei allem, was unmöglich kaputtgehen kann, falls es doch kaputtgeht, normalerweise herausstellt, dass es unmöglich zerlegt oder repariert werden kann. (Douglas Adams)

  5. #15


    Hier noch ein Kommentar von Kirstie dazu :

    Zitat Zitat von Kirstie
    Hi All,

    I know the delay of the update is frustrating, even before the fires we were dealing with a suboptimal situation.

    Right now the San Diego office is almost completely shut down as officials have asked us to stay off the roads. A lot of us have had to evacuate our homes and have limited access to the internet and even cell phones have been busy enough that calls don't always get through. We are also shutting down a lot of the development hardware as power conservation concern for the entire area with all the downed power lines. (Production servers are not being shut down, just wanted to make that clear).

    It is true that UK/DE/FR/JP/RU updates are handed off to an internationalization team for deployment to those servers unlike the US updates that I usually schedule. But that team also works at the San Diego campus as we often have to work very closely together and those folks are affected by the same disaster that is happening all through San Diego and other parts of California this week.

    I hope that clears up some of the concerns about the continued delays and why we haven't been able to get the patch out to the UK and other international servers this week.

    I do appreciate the continued patience and understanding that any lapse in communication this week is not because we don't care about our players but in many cases simply can't reach a computer or are in the process of packing up and moving to new locations.

    - K
    Und einer von Domino *gg*
    Zitat Zitat von Domino
    Just wanted to comment that just because folks like me have red names the same as folks like Kirstie, it doesn't mean we have the same skills or knowledge she does! It's a big team with lots of different areas of specialty. I know the last time I installed anything on a server it was a Lotus Domino 6.5.4a email server, so I really don't think anybody wants me coming anywhere near the EU EQ2 servers no matter how good the intentions.

    Now if you want tradeskill updates, ask away and I know that stuff! But for GU39 updates, please do have patience. The folks who know the stuff you need to know have not forgotten you. Kirstie and her team are teh awesome and know many things us mere mortals do not, and like the lady said they will be keeping you up to date as the circumstances permit. In the mean time don't let the fact that folks like me are making silly posts elsewhere get you annoyed. I know I for one have been so focused on tradeskills for the past month that I'm not even sure what this expansion is called any more, let alone anything more complicated.

  6. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von Macavity Beitrag anzeigen
    Eine schöne Theorie... nur warum wurde letzte Woche das Update verschoben, wenn es doch erst in dieser Woche dort brennt?
    Sowas nennt man vorbeugenden Brandschutz!

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