Perpetual Entertainment hat ein weiteres mal zur Schreibfeder gegriffen und ein neues DevLog heraus gebracht. In diesem werden die Mitarbeiter befragt, natürlich zum Thema Star Trek. Dabei wird von den schönsten Frauen bis zu den besten Erinnerungen an Star Trek gesprochen.

    What is your fondest memory of Star Trek?

    A pair of dominant themes emerged in response to this question:

    "My best friends in college got together every Sunday night to watch the Next Generation - every Sunday. We would pack the house with like 20 people. It was a ritual and a celebration. Silence during the show was mandatory and we would talk about the episode for like another hour after it was over."

    "During college I checked out all of season 7 of TNG from our school´s media library one weekend when I didn´t have cable set up yet. The librarian gave me a funny look and asked if I knew that they were due back in 3 days."

    "Watching re-runs of TNG for hours on SpikeTV while programming and doing physics homework in college."

    "Staying up every night to watch TOS at midnight freshman year in college, and THEN starting homework."

Link: Hier gehts zum kompletten DevLog 4.0 Eintrag