Wer noch nicht genug von Aion : Tower of Eternity gesehen hat (sollte so ziemlich jeder hier sein), der sollte der Webseite MMOSite.com einen Besuch abstatten. Denn hier warten neue Screenshots aus der korreanischen Beta auf euch.

    ecently, NCsoft in Korea released its new business model of the highly anticipated MMORPG Aion. The spokesman of Korean NCsoft said that Aion will go Pay-to-Play in the first half of this year. In a word, Aion is an entirely PAY-to-PLAY MMORPG with monthly subscriptions. Now, Aion is in limited beta in Korea. Approximately, when the second closed beta ended, the game will go open beta and officially lunch.

    We know that a lot of players are waiting for updated news about this entertaining mmorpg. We also got some latest screenshots from closed beta. Please enjoy.

Link: Hier gehts zu den Bildern