Looking at everything, there's really just one more video I want to get out there before we move onto the more professionally done videos that are being finished up. So might as well put this up for a while. Again, please get it mirrored and such because at some point tomorrow I've got to take all of these down.
It shows me walking around a dungoen in Qalia (that's definitely not green). Same dungeon as in another video, but I explore a bit more, find some cool rooms, and then lay waste to some ents (remember I'm waay overpowered here). And then at the end it shows some concept art for areas being worked on as a little bonus. And that will be it for a while.
Thanks for all the comments (and keep the coming) and thanks for forgiving the 'slapped together' aspect of these, but like I said, they were made for you guys, who already know about the game, and also for the interim until more professional movies come out of us working with SOE -- we've been shooting a LOT of video with them, so some very cool stuff should be coming out soon(TM).