Es ist wohl offensichtlich, dass keine weiteren Informationen zu dem angekündigten Star Trek Online Manusskript veröffentlich wurden. Grund dafür ist, dass sich die Lizenzkäufer über dritte bei gemeldet haben und es nicht erlaubten, dass Informationen bekannt gegeben werden. Dabei ist einem findigen Forenbesucher aufgefallen, dass der Absender der Email mit der Anschrift der Anwaltskanzlei auf der Webseite von Cryptic Studio übereinstimmt. So ist davon auszugehen, dass Cryptic Studio der Käufer ist oder ist es doch nur ein weiteres Gerücht? Denn offiziell wurde noch nichts bekannt gegeben.

    Recently, certain key assets associated with the Star Trek Online game have been transferred to a new game developer. Our firm represents that new game developer in its legal matters.

    We understand from various website postings that are attributed to you that you may be in possession of certain documentation relating to the Star Trek Online game that contains intellectual property, the rights to which belong to our client and its licensors. We understand that you may have been considering posting these on the web, but that you refrained from doing so to give the rightful owner of such material an opportunity to object.

    You will be happy to learn that the game is not "dead" but is in active development with a new developer.

    Putting aside any issues that may arise from the manner in which you obtained this documentation, our client has asked us to convey that it shares your enthusiasm for the game and looks forward to making a public announcement regarding the game in the future, but that it is not yet ready to make a public announcement at this time. Our client respectfully requests that you refrain from posting any materials containing intellectual property that you do not own, including but not limited to any artwork, storylines, character progressions or game design specifications.

    I apologize for transmitting this message in this manner, but we could not find an email address for you. Please feel free to provide me with an email address if you would prefer to use email for future correspondence, if any.

    Our client respectfully reserves its full rights in the event that you choose to post infringing materials.


    Morrison & Foerster LLP
    755 Page Mill Road
    Palo Alto, California 94304-1018


Link: Hier gehts zum original Beitrag mit der Email